SaaS Cloud Platform

SMBs App Market

Find and buy professional services to configure, deploy, and manage your software.


I was assigned as the UIUX Engineer for the company’s first cloud platform product. On our cloud platform, small and medium businesses (SMBs) can subscribe to many digital transformation applications from Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), thereby reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

Role & Responsibility

  • User Research (Interviews)
  • User Analysis (Customer Journey Map, Persona, User Story)
  • UI/UX Design (Wireframing, Designing, and Prototyping with Figma)
  • Testing (Preference Test)


Stakeholders Interviews

The product manager and I interviewed stakeholders, including ISVs, SMBs, and WiAdvance Admin users. We interviewed technical managers, technical directors, business teams and finance team of more than 10 ISVs, as well as small and medium business (SMBs) customers who had introduced digital transformation tools in the past. During the interview, I learned that ISVs and SMBs have similar approach and shared problem respectively.

Problems for ISVs

  1. ISVs are usually start-ups and do not have sufficient funds for marketing.
  2. Most of the ISVs are composed of engineering teams, who lack sufficient manpower to manage services.
  3. Promoting products by way of sales promotion cannot generate recurrent revenue.

Problems for SMBs

  1. Prices and services of application are not disclosed, making SMBs difficult to compare digital transformation.
  2. It is difficult for SMBs to cancel the service if they are not satisfied with the application.
  3. There are often no IT staff in SMBs to support software development and maintenance.


Customer Journey Map

User Story

As a UI/UX engineer, my role involves conducting in-depth analysis to understand our customers’ needs, preferences and behaviors. In customer persona, I set our customer as an operation manager in a manufacturing company and used this character to generate the customer journey map. By using a user story, I am able to break down our development process into three distinct stages, ensuring that each stage is tailored to meet the specific needs of our target audience.


UI Components

As a UI/UX Designer, I was responsible for developing a UI components library for the App market, which was also a subsite of the company’s website. Throughout the design process, I placed a strong emphasis on ensuring that the components were consistent with the company’s image and met the overall business objectives.

I took great care to consider the relativity of the official website, ensuring that all components fit seamlessly into the overall aesthetic. This not only helped to reinforce the company’s brand image, but also ensured that the user experience was seamless and intuitive.


Once the components and pages have been designed, I use Figma’s prototyping tool to generate a seamless and interactive app market experience. The tool allows me to bring the designs to life, showcasing the user flow and experience, and helping stakeholders understand how the app will work in practice.


Preference Test



After conducting a preference test with 18 users, 88% of them have expressed a preference for option 1, which is why new users will see cards material design in the landing page.

Developer Feedback

As a designer with an engineering background, Yung-Jan is exceptionally easy to communicate with. She is a logical thinker and approaches communication in a clear and organized manner. She is also a very positive and self-motivated individual, always eager to learn and tackle problems head-on.

Alex Lo / Technical Manager