Start up

Chinese Medicine Mapping App

Find the cure that's right for you with our Chinese Medicine Mapping app


CMAX is a Chinese Medicine Mapping App that helps users find the right doctor, specialist, clinic, and hospital according to their specific needs. As a product manager and the solo UIUX engineer, I developed this app with 9 medical students and 3 engineers. 

Role & Responsibility

  • Project manager (Notion)
  • User Research (Figjam)
  • UI design (Figma)
  • UX design (Figma)



Market Research


Name: Chiao Hsu

Age: 35

Occupation: Marketing Manager

  • Seeking effective treatment for her health issues
  • Improving her own and family’s overall health and well-being
  • Finding alternative treatments that are outside of Western medicine.


Chiao is a 35-year-old marketing manager who has been experiencing skin health issues for several years. She has sought medical treatment from various Western medical professionals, but has not found a solution to her skin issues. She has always been open to new and innovative treatments and recently started researching alternative therapies such as traditional Chinese medicine.

Frustrations: Chiao has been frustrated by the Recurrence and side effects in her medical treatments so far. She is frustrated with the Western medicine approach and is eager to explore alternative treatment methods. She is also frustrated by the impact her health issues have had on her daily life, including her work and family responsibilities.

Empathy Map

User Story

User Journey Map

Problem Statement

Chiao is a patient who wants to find the right doctor or clinic because she wants to solve his health problem.

Solution Statement

Our CMAX will let users find the best solution to their health problem, which will help patients by allowing them to search Chinese Medicine doctors and clinics effectively. We will measure impact by tracking the rate of users enter the clinic information.


IA Diagram

CMAX Design Sprint-from register
CMAX Design Sprint-from home

Gole Statement
